Doing Business the Right Way

Our Vision
Our vision is to extend our hands to far and nearby communities to those who are experiencing issues such as domestic abuse, school bullying, and human trafficking. We do not only work with women and girls, but men too, we believe the entire family is important and that men are the backbone of their family. So, we want to identify problems within the family and seek suitable support that will help to resolve the issues the family is experiencing, Also to strengthen, inspire and empower the individual to get back on their feet. Hands of rescue C.I.C. is an offshoot of Niche Creation Publishing Ltd which publishes materials in the form of books that deals with the issue of domestic
violence and school bullying.
Our Mission Statement
"Proverbs 31 v 8-9: Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the poor and needy." Hands of Rescue C.I.C. came about through a passion for empowering vulnerable people needing hope and direction. We believe in the practical work of Christ, to attend to the whole man, mind-body, soul, and spirit. This is a faith-based organization that recognizes there are individuals who falls outside the threshold of statutory organizations working hours of 9-5. We need a stopgap so that they don't fall off the wagon completely, that is why Hands of Rescue C.I.C. was formed. To rescue and prevent them from being destroyed through the issue of domestic abuse, school bullying, and human trafficking. At Hands of Rescue C.I.C., our mission is to help and rescue abused women, men, and children.